FluentKey Live General

FluentKey Live Pro Features

FluentKey Live has many advanced features for our Pro users. Let’s first talk about “Add 15 Seconds” and “Finish Questions Early”. By default, all questions last 30 seconds during Live, so what if all of your students haven’t been able to answer the question in that time? With FluentKey Pro, you can increase the time […]

FluentKey Live General

Celebrating our first 1,300 teachers!

An exciting day at FluentKey – 1,300 language teachers around the world have chosen FluentKey to help them improve the visibility of their students’ data and progress, save time preparing for their lessons, simplify the process of finding authentic and fun videos at the right level of the students’ proficiency, and improve class attention span […]

FluentKey Live General

Coming Soon: FluentKey Live App!

FluentKey Live is an interactive classroom listening game. The teacher displays a video on a projector while students race to answer comprehension questions on their own devices and compete for the highest score.  It’s like Kahoot for language learning, but instead of just answering trivia questions, students are able to compete while also being exposed […]

FluentKey Live General

¡​Próximamente: FluentKey Live App!

Acerca de FluentKey Live FluentKey Live es un juego dinámico que fomenta la comprensión oral y auditiva en el salón de clases. La misión de FluentKey Live es mejorar la escucha activa de los alumnos mientras interactúan con vídeos en su lengua meta, ya sea en francés, chino, español o inglés. ¿Cómo funciona FluentKey Live? […]